In 2018, FRAXA reached out to Niagara Falls for our first Fragile X day illumination.

We expanded to 22 illuminations across the United States.
Growth continued in the US climbing to 67 illuminations. The Fragile X Association of Australia’s efforts went country-wide with 64 illuminations.

The sky is the limit!
200 illuminations worldwide with 9 global partners.
Watch for more to come!
FRAXA Research Foundation is spreading awareness across the world! We’d love to see you light up our world on July 22 as part of World Fragile X Day!
July 22 has been recognized as Fragile X Awareness Day in the US since its declaration by Congress in 2000. As families from around the world share the passion to raise awareness, FRAXA has launched an initiative to unite our voices to become one for World Fragile X Day (WFXD).
Did you know nearly 200 landmarks, including Niagara Falls, across the globe are helping to raise Fragile X awareness by illuminating their structures on WFXD?
Did you also know worldwide FRAXA-funded research is dependent on increased global awareness as research becomes more international, more clinical trials are launched, and more pharma companies and scientists get involved in FXS research?
No doubt increased Fragile X awareness will accelerate progress toward effective treatments and ultimately a cure.
This year FRAXA is again proud to partner with Fragile X Association of Australia and excited to expand its global partnership to include Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada, Fragile X South Africa, Fragile X Society-India, Fragile X Argentina, Eu Digo X-Brazil, IEB at the University of Chile and in the US, with National Fragile X Foundation and Fragile X Resource Center of Missouri.
More partners and illuminations to be announced soon! Be sure to follow World Fragile X Day on your favorite social media platform!