Explore Dr. Richter’s encouraging results with ASOs for Fragile X syndrome. A $100,000 grant now fuels pivotal studies needed to advance toward ASO therapy.
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ASOs and Fragile X: Addressing the Most Asked Questions

Explore the potential of ASOs in treating Fragile X syndrome & FXTAS. Dive into a comprehensive Q&A addressing key questions and breakthrough findings.
Read moreBreakthrough Discoveries in Fragile X Research: Insights from Special Banbury Meeting on Curative Therapies

Explore the latest breakthroughs in Fragile X research unveiled at the recent Banbury Meeting. Discover novel strategies, from gene therapy to protein replacement, that bring hope for curative therapies.
Read moreModeling Fragile X Syndrome using Multi-Region Human Brain Organoids

Discover groundbreaking research at UCI by Dr. Watanabe and Dr. Tsai. Using cutting-edge organoid technology, they’re modeling Fragile X brain function and advancing potential treatment testing.
Read more2021 Fragile X Research Grants Funded by FRAXA Research Foundation

Each year, FRAXA funds a diverse portfolio of research. Our FRAXA Fellowships are seed funding for the future, the feedstock for the Fragile X treatment development pathway. While we are looking to promote as many promising new approaches as possible, prominent themes emerge each year, as scientists around the world tackle previously neglected areas.
Read moreBrain Organoids, Moving Fragile X Research Forward

There are many ways research produces discoveries, and all of them include a process of steps that build on each other. When an exciting new avenue appeared with potential for Fragile X syndrome, FRAXA stepped up to fund it. We now see the results of this grant and are excited to share them with you. The importance of different types of models have been shared and discussed over many years. We are now adding a “brain organoid” model to this group, and the potential behind it is really exciting.
Read moreTowards Understanding the Role of FMRP in Human Brain Development Using Brain Organoids

Dr. Zhexing Wen and Dr. Peng Jin of the newly funded Fragile X Center of Excellence at Emory University School of Medicine join us in this seminar to present about Understanding the Role of FMRP in Human Brain Development Using Brain Organoids.
Read moreBrain Organoids and Therapeutic Development for Fragile X and Other Rare Diseases

This is the first in a series of webinars focused on current topics in Fragile X research. In this webinar we hear from Alysson R. Muotri, PhD, Professor at University of California San Diego Stem Cell Programand Fabio C. Tucci, PhD, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder at Epigen Biosciences, Inc.
Read moreThree-Dimensional Model for Identifying Fragile X Treatments

With a $90,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation awarded in 2018, Dr. Peng Jin and Dr. Juhnee Kang at Emory University will develop and analyze Fragile X brain organoids to understand the disorder and identify treatment targets.
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