Celebrate World Fragile X Day: July 22, 2024 – Global Landmarks Light Up

World Fragile X Day, launched by FRAXA Research Foundation in 2021, is a global celebration that brings together Fragile X organizations and supporters from around the world. This special day showcases hundreds of illuminations on landmarks, bridges, and buildings across five continents. These vibrant displays shine light on the accomplishments of the global Fragile X community and the groundbreaking efforts to find effective treatments and a cure.

The significance of World Fragile X Day extends beyond illuminations. This is a day to recognize the incredible progress made in Fragile X research and to acknowledge the strength of individuals and families affected by the disorder.

We invite you to be a part of this inspiring movement! There are many ways to get involved:

Join the illumination team.

Work with the World Day team to secure a proclamation from your city or state.

Assist with media outreach to spread the word.

By participating, you will help increase visibility and awareness. Together, we can make July 22, World Fragile X Day, a resounding success.

Please reach out to Jennifer Puett at jpuett@fraxa.org or Holly Roos at hroos@fraxa.org. Let's join forces to celebrate families and work towards a brighter future for the Fragile X community!