With a 2-year, $90,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation over 2016-17, Dr. Samie Jaffrey at Weill Medical College of Cornell University explored which FMRP isoform is the best target to treat Fragile X syndrome.
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Samie Jaffrey, PhD, Greenberg-Starr Professor of Pharmacology at Cornell University, studies protein expression and RNA regulatory pathways, specifically how they function in neurodevelopmental disorders.
Molecular Mechanisms of Cytoskeletal Regulation by FMRP

With a 2-year, $120,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation in 2015, Dr. Samie Jaffrey from Weill Medical College of Cornell University will research the connection between FMR1, RhoA, and dendritic spine abnormalities.
Read moreScientists Uncover Trigger for Fragile X Syndrome

A new study led by Weill Cornell Medical College scientists shows that Fragile X syndrome occurs because of a mechanism that shuts off the gene associated with the disease. The findings, published today in Science, also show that a compound that blocks this silencing mechanism can prevent Fragile X syndrome – suggesting a similar therapy may be possible for 20 other diseases that range from mental retardation to multisystem failure.
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