Discover unexpected links between Fragile X Syndrome and cancer. Studies show people with Fragile X have much lower cancer rates. Explore new opportunities for collaboration in this promising research.
Read moreBagni, Claudia
Claudia Bagni, PhD, Professor of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne, researches synaptic plasticity. In 2001, Dr. Bagni researched the relationship between FMRP and other neurons. In 2013, she was part of a research team that discovered a relationship between FMRP and breast cancer.
Fragile X Syndrome Protein Linked to Breast Cancer Progression
Claudia Bagni (VIB/KU Leuven, Belgium, and the University of Rome, Italy) and colleagues have identified the way Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein or FMRP contributes to the progression of breast cancer. The researchers demonstrated that FMRP acts as a master switch controlling the levels of several proteins involved in different stages of aggressive breast cancer, including the invasion of cancer cells into blood vessels and the spread of these cancer cells to other tissues forming metastasis.
Read moreMolecular Interactions Between FMRP and Protein Translation Apparatus

With a $65,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation from 2000-2001, Dr. Claudia Bagni focused on understanding the specific molecular interactions which regulate protein synthesis, and how they are altered in Fragile X. Dr. Bagni has moved from the University of Rome to VIB in Leuven, Belgium. Results published.
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