FRAXA Finances – the numbers 2010-2013

FRAXA has funded more than $22 million in research at universities all over the world. But fundraising has been challenging over the past few years. But the driving force behind FRAXA is parents who are determined to help their children. We’ve kept overhead expenses very low in order to devote as many dollars as possible to Fragile X research!

2012 Income

Donations & Grants 1,390,944 (79%)
Fundraising 243,881 (14%)
Investments 120,183 (07%)
Product & Royalties 5,287 (00%)
Total:   1,760,294 (100%)


Fundraising 82,254 (04%)
Management/General 58,521 (03%)
Program – Education 129,150 (07%)
Program – Research 1,645,339 (86%)
Total Expenses 1,915,265 (100%)

Net Income -154,971

FRAXA Financials 2012

2011 Income

Donations/Grants 1,109,353 (75%)
Fundraising 351,617 (24%)
Investments 9,913 (01%)
Product & Royalties 5,603 (00%)
Total: 1,476,486 (100%)


Fundraising 70,504 (04%)
Management/General 57,378 (03%)
Program – Education 99,408 (06%)
Program – Research 1,583,573 (87%)
Total Expenses 1,810,864 (100%)

Net Income -334,377

2010 Income

Donations/Grants 1,447,344 (73%)
Fundraising 398,272 (20%)
Investments 141,874 (07%)
Product & Royalties 8,214 (00%)
Total  1,995,704 (100%)


Fundraising 110,350 (06%)
Management/General 58,403 (03%)
Program – Education 100,132 (06%)
Program – Research 1,483,119 (85%)
Total Expenses 1,752,003 (100%)

Net Income 243,701

FRAXA anticipates funding at least $1.2 million in research in 2013, and more if a sudden windfall should appear!