Dr. Xinyu Zhao of the Waisman Center and Department of Neuroscience at University of Wisconsin-Madison joins us in this seminar to present Interrogate the Functions of FMRP in Brain Development Using Stem Cells.
Read moreneural stem cells
Three-Dimensional Model for Identifying Fragile X Treatments

With a $90,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation awarded in 2018, Dr. Peng Jin and Dr. Juhnee Kang at Emory University will develop and analyze Fragile X brain organoids to understand the disorder and identify treatment targets.
Read moreSensory Hypersensibility in Fragile X Syndrome and BK Channel Openers

With $366,100 in grants from FRAXA Research Foundation, these investigators at the University of Orleans studied sensory abnormalities in Fragile X mice and test the ability of a class of drugs, BK channel openers, to rescue these abnormalities.
Read moreScientists Uncover Trigger for Fragile X Syndrome

A new study led by Weill Cornell Medical College scientists shows that Fragile X syndrome occurs because of a mechanism that shuts off the gene associated with the disease. The findings, published today in Science, also show that a compound that blocks this silencing mechanism can prevent Fragile X syndrome – suggesting a similar therapy may be possible for 20 other diseases that range from mental retardation to multisystem failure.
Read moreDeveloping IPS cells to Screen Drugs which can Reactivate the FMR1 Gene

With $146,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation over 2012-2013, Drs. Anita Bhattacharyya and Xinyu Zhao at the University of Wisconsin developed a new mouse model of Fragile X syndrome which will enable testing of gene reactivation and gene therapy approaches to treatment. They transplanted human Fragile X neural cells differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells into brains of neonatal mice and then testing for FMR1 reactivation. In 2015, The John Merck Fund assumed support for this work with a generous grant of $750,000 to the scientists. Results published.
Read moreSmall Molecule Screen Using Fragile X Neural Stem Cells

With a $90,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation, Dr. Peng Jin’s team from Emory University School of Medicine found that Fragile X causes an increase production of new cells, so they tested large numbers of drugs to find those that can correct this. This high throughput drug screen uses neural stem cells from Fragile X knockout mice to identify small molecules which may be therapeutic in Fragile X.
Read moreAltered Cyclic AMP Signaling in Fragile X

With $125,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation over 2006-2008, Dr. Anita Bhattacharyya at the University of Wisconsin Waisman Center investigated abnormalities in cyclic AMP signaling in Fragile X syndrome. Results published.
Read moreSplicing Variations of the Fragile X Gene

With an $80,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation from 2005-2006, Dr. David Morris and his team at the University of Washington aimed to understand the variation in distribution and function of FMRP isoforms, sought to identify isoforms of FMRP in mouse brain, and define the expression pattern of these versions of the protein.
Read moreGenerating Human Neurons Carrying the Fragile X Mutation

With a $50,000 grant from FRAXA Research Foundation, Dr. Clive Svendsen and his team at the University of Wisconsin grew neural stem cells that expressed the Fragile X mutation to help scientists better understand the gene characteristics.
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