Callum Cup 2017 Raised over $9200 for Fragile X Research

Callum Cup pic-2 2016

We are tremendously grateful to the Millburn United men’s soccer team, of Millburn, New Jersey, who held the 2017 Callum Cup on Sunday, July 2, 2017. They were honoring Callum Murphy, son of the team goalkeeper at Millburn United. Together with their friends and families, the team raised over $9000 for Fragile X research! This event was made possible by co-hosts Andrew Murphy and Nick Dawes. Donors, thank you all so much!

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Ringing the Bell at the New York Stock Exchange for Fragile X Awareness

ringing the bell at the NYSE

FRAXA Research Foundation was honored to be part of the opening bell ringing ceremony at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on July 5, 2018. We were there to raise awareness for Fragile X along side the National Fragile X Foundation. FRAXA President Katie Clapp and Director of Community Relations Dave Bjork attended with over 30 Fragile X family members and friends, including 4 self-advocates. This was a great opportunity to raise awareness of Fragile X on a big stage at an iconic place. The event was also carried live on television on CNBC, giving FRAXA and Fragile X broad reach around the world.

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Fragile X Syndrome Research & Treatment • FRAXA Research Foundation – Finding a Cure for Fragile X

FRAXA Research Foundation’s mission is to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure for Fragile X syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of autism and intellectual disabilities. We directly fund research grants and fellowships at top universities around the world. We partner with biomedical and pharmaceutical companies, large and small, to bridge the gap between research discoveries and actual treatments.

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Callum Cup VI

The 6th annual Callum Cup will be played on Sunday, August, 28, 2022. Join us for great competition and great fun while raising funds for Fragile X research. Everyone is welcome to come out and watch the games or stop by St James Gate in Maplewood post-game to socialize.

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